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My Journey

I come from a family that loves to eat. As the years went on, although I was not obese I was still very unhealthy. I would eat my feelings. If I was happy, I would eat. If I was sad, I would eat. Eventually the pounds added up. Recently, I had gained 30 pounds and depression quickly set in. I shielded myself from the world and only left the house if I had to. I soon realized the vicious cycle I was in and decided to get my health in order. I began attending Zoombalicious (High intense cardio) classes held in my city. These classes helped me build relationships with other woman who shared the same weight-loss mindset as I did. After attending classes for a few months I started to see a change in my body which encouraged me to keep going. I added waist training to my routine and began preparing my meals ahead of time, to monitor the amount of food I was eating. I was shocked to see the weight fall off so fast! I became more disciplined. I started to go to the gym on the days I was not attending Zoombalicious classes.

To date, I have proudly lost 20 pounds. I have not yet reached my goal, but I am working towards it daily. My overall goal is to be HAPPY. Wellness consists of physical, spiritual, and mental stability; it is a balance. I am happy to say I have found that. My goal is to keep moving forward and never look back!

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